Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Question: Ban Technology?

If parents were to ban technology from their children it would have both positive and negative effects. In our 21st century, we use technology for just about everything. Our phones can house credit cards or gift cards, upload checks to bank accounts, you can even scan an item in the store and get its price. Technology can be a good thing; laptops have webcams on them which is ideal for websites such as Skype where people can video chat across the country. If parents banned their teenager from having a phone, what would they use in case if an emergency? You know most phones have a tracker inside them which the police department can locate a person down if they are next to their phone? If a teenager did not have a phone to call or text their parents that they needed help then it would make it that much harder for them to receive help. Although technology has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. More and more teens are becoming addicted to social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 75% of the population has an online profile. Students spend most of their school days not paying attention to the teacher but to their phones. And when they get home they are not doing homework but scrolling through Tumblr. Staring at a screen for too long causes health problems and poor eye sight. So I think too much technology is a bad thing but to have it there is a good resource to have! 

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