This was oddly therapeutic and I enjoyed creating this list. Everyone should do this at one point in their lives.
1) When people feel the need to comment on how small my writing is. They are always the same comments: “You could write on rice!”, “Wowza I need a magnifying glass to read this!”, “haha did you even write on this paper? There is no writing !!” Yes. I get it. I have been writing like this my whole educational career, it is not like I haven’t noticed it. I do not go up to strangers, pick up their school work and comment on how big their writing is. Yes, people actually take the time out of their day to pick up my school work, stare at it and read it just to poke fun at how small it is. There are a lot of small things that you own that I could comment on but I just don’t. Sorry I don’t want some grimy kid’s hand, who probably did not wash his hands after he went to the bathroom, rubbing all over my paper. Teachers are one thing- if they can’t read it then they can’t grade it. Actually one thing I don’t like is when they pick up my paper and then show other students...Last year, first day of math, my teacher picked up my paper and asked a kid to read it out loud. It was one of those “tell me about yourself” so it was kind of personal. Long story short- do not comment on my handwriting I could actually care less.
2) Justin Bieber. He started out alright, he had a couple of good songs and was a semi-decent person. Now? He is a total scumbag. I cringe whenever someone mentions how much they love him and idolize him. He visited the Great Wall and had his body guards CARRY HIM. He met the Prime Minister of Canada while wearing overalls, gold chain and a t-shirt. Why. 
The pants he wears should speak for themselves. Diaper or pants???!!
He bought a pet monkey and left it in Germany. Spit on his fans off of his balcony. Classy.
3) “Hipsters” They substitute the word “Deck” for “Cool”, use words like “rad”, “dude”, “bby”, “lub” (in substitute for love), and don’t spell out words. It is like we’re back in sixth grade when it was cool to use ‘y’ for ‘why’ and ‘h8’ for ‘hate’. My teeth grind together when I scroll through twitter and have to read all of those tweets. “Miley Cyrus is s0 rad” Just because one buys their clothes from Forever21 does not mean A) you should wear them to school and B) that that makes you a hipster. We attend Norton High School, in Massachusetts. Please do not wear high waisted shorts, actually please please do not wear high waisted jeans. Those are worst. They look like grandma jeans. Just because you “listen” to Lana Del Ray, Amy Winehouse, or Lorde still does not qualify you to be a hipster. Sorry! You’re not special because you listen to different music ( even though I admit that I hate pop music)
4) Kids that do not try in school. You have 13 years of a free education, use it. You are fortunate enough that you do not have to pay for school and that our education system is semi (SEMI) decent. The kids that annoy me the most are the ones who come to school, don’t do any work, go home and tweet something like: school is stressing me out so much!! No! You do not get to tweet that! You are in the lowest classes possible-not because you are not smart but because you do not try and you purposely fail everything. I am in three honors classes-big deal- one is pre-ap and one is in a foreign language. I get to say that I am stressed out. My classes are probably 20x harder than yours will ever be. That sounds selfish but if you do not try in school then what does this say about the rest of your life?
5) Ugg boots. Ugliest boots that man has ever created.
6) My sister and mom making me late for school. Kathy when the clock strikes 7:35 I think that it is time to leave for school. We live around a mile away from the school so it takes 5 minutes, with no traffic, to get there. Unfortunately with the over populated freshmen class, there is traffic backed up to the middle school every single day. My mom is a procrastinator, big time. She gets up at 5:30 but does not start getting ready until 7:15. Why?? And then has the audacity to get mad at me for trying to use the bathroom. You have been up for two hours, your time has passed due.
7) Teachers that talk down to students. Hi! Yes, I have come to school to learn stuff that I have not learned before. That is the whole point of it. If I ask you a question, don’t act like I’m forcing you to run a marathon. Just because I am younger than you does not give you the right to act like I am not intelligent enough to understand what you are saying to me. Sorry I forgot that you got a college degree to not teach me anything.
8) People who push their religion on others. You are an atheist? Cool! You believe in God, Jesus and that he created Earth? Awesome! Do not try and tell me that your beliefs are better than mine. If you are shoving it down my throat that Jesus is all mighty and that it is a sin that I do not go to church then you make the list of people I hate. I believe in what I believe in and as a matter of fact- I am still trying to figure it out. I don’t need some seedy high schooler telling me that God is all mighty.
9) People.
10) Homophobes. I understand that you believe in what you believe in, that is cool and all. That does not mean that you should decide the rights of others. Our government is full of them and they are the ones who get to decide whether or not same-sex couples can get married. Great so I have some seedy middle aged man who hates homosexuals deciding whether or not two people in love can get married. Good thinking America!
11) When people (I've noticed that the freshmen) gather around in clusters at lunch but don't sit down. I can't explain it but at your next lunch observe them.
13) I hate when people are proud of the fact that they do not read.
14) When people put my glasses on and proclaim loudly that they can't see through them. Well. Obviously it is my prescription not yours.. And adding onto that- when they take my glasses off and ask how many fingers they are holding up.
15) Peter Capaldi. (New Doctor) I'm still bitter over Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who so he gets added to the list.
16) When people say the word 'like' every other word.
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